Thursday, 20 September 2012

A Delightful Day

Following the various trips out to buy the  things for our 23 sponsored  children , Uma and I have started to slow  down. Guess what, no sooner than  I said about the unseasonal rain, the sun has come out today,for a change! Thus I was able to have all the washing done, and hopefully dry later on today. The downside is I did not break the record for wearing sweaty jeans - I was 2 days short of the record.

Yesterday was a long day in terms of sorting out the money to pay for the 6 computers. The local tradesmen would not accept credit card payment unless 7% is added to the final payment. It is largely a cash society, like Malaysia used to be. 7% means almost 80 pounds sterling, a ransom to Uma and myself. We can think of  many things we can buy with that money. So we went round countless  ATMs in Kathmandu  for several days, being refused payments on many occasions before we collected all the money required..I must admit I have never seen so much cash in my life. It was a thick wadge of 1,000 rupees notes. I have even taken photos of this money to preserve this momentous occasion.The computers have now  been delivered and  are being connected up today in the school

With the sun shinning this morning, I decided to take my first walk round the local area. The children were home from school because its a public holiday.The children lead a very protected life. Apart from going to  school, they do not go out at all. They hardly ever have friends calling or visiting. With Uma's permission, I took 2 of the older girls out for a walk .They were es tactic when I told them.. It was interesting to see them rushing downstairs to get ready The Team GB t-shirts from John are  very big hits with them . The girls put up their lovely long hair, with loopy earrings on. With nice fitting jeans and the pristine white t-shirts, they really looked  fantastic.

When I lifted the lock on the iron gate, they just whooped- ' We are out!' I was so amused to see their reaction. As we walked down the road, shopkeepers were doing second takes on the girls. They looked so good, and very different to the locals.The excitement on their faces was there for all to see.I thought we were just going for a walk. They were pointing out to me  some of the newly built houses. It was so refreshing for me to see things through their  eyes.

While we were walking through the Crown Plaza hotel, the first 5 * hotel in Kathmandu,a Nepali shop owner  stepped out of his boutique and asked them a question. Urmila replied, and they both laughed their heads off.. I asked what was said. .They told me that they were asked whether they were Nepali or foreigners, and they replied 'foreigner'. They were really enjoying the exchange. Cheeky monkeys.

While we were walking round the hotel ground, they were so taken by the  beautiful flowers around us.. Lots of photographs were taken of these two young lasses, by the swimming pool, in front of the hibiscus bush, next the the colouful flags etc. They were brimming  with such innocent happiness that it humbled me. Such simple pleasure, so easy to please

Whenever I am  talking to the children, I try to instill ambition and positive mental attitude in them They have come to believe me  that everything is possible in life if you want it bad enough. The most important thing for now is to work very hard and do well in their studies. The girls brought this up during our walk today. It was very emotional for me to hear them talking about their future in such confident manner

Our  walk finished with a nice ice cream  treat for all, myself included. What a lovely day.

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