Saturday, 6 October 2012


The time has come for me to say goodbye. Another year's work have been accomplished with a lot of help and support from firstly, Uma and secondly the trustees. It is fair to say none of which would be possible without Uma .So thank you Uma , for everything and looking after me well during my stay here.

My stay here have been comfortable, hard though it is at  times. I guess with each passing year, I am noticing little tell tale signs that I  need to slow down. I am learning to pace myself more, but still achieving the goals we have set ourselves .

It is important however, to  acknowledge the support and the contributions from everyone in UK and Malaysia.. The generosity and sustained support given to the charity have been astounding. The kids in Kathmandu are very lucky indeed to have you on board, folks

With that I bid  farewell to the land of the mountains, till we meet again.

Namaste, Kathmandu !

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