Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Things We Bought

As you can see , we bought 1 computer table, had 7 tables( with folding legs) made; 9 Emergency lamps;2 bicycles; a sewing machine; new party frocks(x9) for the newly sponsored children;winter t-shirts ,underclothes and slippers (x8) for Uma's children.
Things that are missing include the computer which Uma will be getting, plus the pashminas I have bought for our sponsors' tea to fund raise further. Included in the overall expenditure is the various treats for the children like their first KFC meal (v expensive, more than I thought it would cost us -£70 ),the lunch for everyone and the Children Day treat
All in all, the expenditure came to just over £1100.We have a saving of approximately £400 plus. This will help us to pay out straight away (next week) to enable Uma to start kitting out the children in terms of shoes , school bags, tuition class after school in English and Maths for the 5 new children in the school.
I will set out in greater details on the expenditure at the sponsors' tea on 3oth

The Lunch at Uma's

Its amazing how different some of the children look in mufti with their mums.
Emergency lamps were given, as well as the posh party frocks with the arrival of the festivals in October.The mums were told that the tables are being made and that it will be delivered to them in due course.A happy and satisfied bunch when they left us

Friday, 8 October 2010

The New Children and Their families

The photos of the children in the order of :-
Santimaya, the girl from Gorkha, met her only once, the day before my return to UK
Laxmi with mum
Kabita with younger brother and mum, the one with a canteen/bar?
Sunita with mum
Vikass with mum in the bedroom
Uma with 4 of the children in Principal's office
My sponsored child Lakmi with mum
Rasmita with grandma, the 4 year old who looks like a 2 year old
Rochana with younger brother Krisna and mum

Snap Shots of Uma's kids mk 2

How they have grown up in a year ! Beautiful kids, are they not ?
Janette, Sarmila is with her sister in the photo. They came visiting while I was there.What a difference to have adequate food etc.She looks so grown up now

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Snap Shots of Uma's kids

Snap shots of the children engaging in the different activities. Urmila and Suzan peeling the 10 kilos of potatoes;Suzan learning to ride on the big bike:Sarmila and Nitisha enjoying a giggle while doing their homework in the sun. Ramila and the boys ready to leave for school
Last but not least , the last 2 photos were of the children enjoying the goodies from UK.They were particularly engrossed in the books and zigsaw puzzles